The Project

Context and lead up to the title

I was diseased for something like 25 years and that’s really how this all started. It is interesting to see the curveballs life throws at you and even more so to notice the absolutely nonsensical places the shattered glass tends to fall in one’s life. It seemed quite clear to me that my lot in life was to be me lying in a bed (or sitting in a chair on a good day) gripping whatever was closest to me and holding on for dear life, and one day dying. That was it. That was all there was for me. I may go into more detail in a later post as to why this was the case but for now (to conserve a blog that would take weeks or months to read) just trust this was the case for me. There was nothing but extreme (and I mean being fed into a wood chipper feet first extreme) pain and death at the end of the ordeal. But, this was not my fate.

I found a treatment that worked and have been free of this issue (though there are some serious residual effects/war wounds that I am dealing with) for around 2 years now. The ‘being free’ aspect of this created its own issue that was completely unexpected. When the vast majority of your adult experience is suffering in one way or another and you are mostly helpless through that time, how do you cope with suddenly being dropped into a world where you are capable but lack the experience of someone where you are at in life? I was able to finish a college degree online during my troubled years – and if you understood the hell it was to just breathe everyday, you would understand how difficult that was; especially a computer science degree. It was like being in prison for two-and-a-half decades and being dropped off in the middle of a large city full of opportunity with the clothes on your back and whatever knowledge you gleaned while in a dungeon. The disorientation was mind-numbing and the expectations of those around me incredibly difficult to deal with.

But, life is a weird mother. One day you’re lying in bed in a pool of your own sweat, snot, and unbathed taint (also, not going to lie, probably a little piss) begging for death. The next you are armed with the foundations of a skill-set to earn your family millions of dollars and you a great deal of life satisfaction. No matter what I say, or how I frame or analogize, very, very few will understand what I went through for the better part of 2 decades. So, there’s no point in digging through it here. Just understand it was a horrible existence and then one day, it just… wasn’t anymore. I could go anywhere. I can be anything. And so I will. That’s the context.

The Becoming

The intersections of ideas are neat to me. They’re where really cool stuff emerges that you could never find just pulling on a single thread. You see this kind of thing happening everywhere in reality. I always viewed multi-threaded and asynchronous programming (even parallel computation) in this way. It isn’t an exact one-to-one thing here but it’s pretty relevant, I think. You can do some majorly complex stuff that is otherwise – for all practical purposes – impossible without writing asynchronous code. Knowledge acquisition and skill development share some of those properties. You can learn pure math but if you learn math and neuroscience, then all of a sudden you can create data-driven solutions that can really shine the light on various types of mental illness and you can begin to help humanity in ways that were locked away from us before you built knowledge in multiple areas and created an intersection where your expertise unlocked those doors.

This idea coupled with the 20 years of lost living and productivity I suffered has placed me in this space where I want to see how I can dig these multiple tunnels. Why not? Let’s see what gets dug up and how it can be applied. There are some specific things I want to attempt with all of this. But, ultimately I don’t know what I don’t know. The only thing I really know is that I have to try. Research is what I love and I am going to take it all the way. I mean that in every possible direction as well. Each subject I study will go as broad as possible and to as much depth as possible. Then each group the same and finally the whole knowledge set the same: to it’s maximum breadth and depth. To do this will require extreme amounts of discipline and efficiency. I also am going to do a ‘mini-project’ and initial practical skill acquisition as I begin to delve into the first set of resources. To do even this though requires structure. That’s where Scott Young’s MIT Challenge comes in.

If you aren’t familiar, Scott Young completed the course material for a 4 year Bachelor level degree in Computer Science from MIT using MIT’s OpenCourseware. That on it’s own is cool enough but he did the entire thing in a year. He also did it in a year without spending 100 hour weeks on the course work. He wrote that once he got his rhythm he was doing multiple courses at once and putting in 35-40 hours regularly on the work. That gives me a great deal of hope for what I have planned. I plan to do one of his aptly named ‘Ultralearning’ projects but I plan to do this over 5 years and include several intensely rigorous subjects and take each to the depth someone wanting to be a pro in that field would take it. These fields are Mathematics, Computer Science, Physics, Financial Engineering (Quantitative Analytics/Trading), and for my own sheer pleasure: video game design, audio and art.

While I know that a recent college graduate is in no way considered a “pro”, I do think that having a Bachelor level command over a subject is generally considered sufficient to begin working in a given field while receiving OJT and pursuing higher education in the field. Thus, I have decided to complete the major requirements for the 2022 6-3 Computer Science Bachelor degree at MIT, as well as the OSSU Mathematics Bachelor degree level curriculum. To develop useful knowledge past that Bachelor level I will mostly be using projects when it comes to CS, but for math I will pivot to Physics and Quantitative Analytics/Trading. I plan to accomplish this via Susan Rigetti’s now famous Physics Self-Teaching reading list found here and the suggested reading lists from QuantStart for Quantitative Analytics (here) & Quantitative Trading (held in 2 parts: I & II). I plan to go further in-depth on those fronts with several ideas currently ruminating in the ole machinery.

Finally, for my own fulfillment, I will tell my own personal story. Only my wife knows it in its entirety and it is profound. I believe it could help a lot of people and be told beautifully. I consider this pursuit to be my (hopefully) Magnum Opus. The RadioRunner Self-Taught Artist Curriculum (found here) will be started now via 1 hour daily sessions until it is pursued in earnest much later. I also plan to build the game directly into a website using Phaser.js. Reason being is I want this built out in the open, just as I am building this aforementioned skill-set. I will develop it into a business where whoever buys it will be able to play it in whatever state it happens to be in at the time, up to and including the finished product. The plan is also to record the entire production of the game (and all the learning that occurs alongside that) and also build out some ‘eduware’ like courses, eBooks and guides to teach others my processes. In order to learn design and art I will first utilize RadioRunner’s curriculum then move on to pixel art resources found on Lospec and 2DWillNeverDie. I have a few Udemy resources to help learn audio production.

So, there we are. That is the 30,000-ft view of what I plan to accomplish. Earlier, however, I mentioned beginning with an initial ‘mini-project’ that would provide a smaller amount of ‘intersecting’ and give me a practical skill-set to immediately both begin developing income, reputation, and knowledge in something practical I like while also proving (or falsifying) my ideas about intersections providing more opportunity for greater depth of achievement in a given field, or even the definition of new fields. I know it may not be entirely genuine to use the ideas of proving and falsifying here and in this context. This is already pretty common knowledge but everyone knows that to learn something by learning about it is very different than going through something yourself and really grokking it down into your core. That’s my aim here: to grokk this. And the ‘this’ in this context is web3 security. I want to be really good at at least one thing before I die. I think I can do that in web3 security. I LOVE blockchain technology!

I am not going to get into the whole debate about the efficacy of the tech here but suffice it to say, there’s a lot of money being funneled into (and illegally out of) that space right now. Maybe it will still fail one day. I don’t know. But, I do know that it is incredibly fascinating stuff to me and I want to give it the best chance to succeed on its own merits. I do not want it failing because of structural problems this early on in its existence. That wouldn’t be giving it the right look or ability to grow. So, I will pursue a practical skill-set in web3 security. I will also couple this with an introductory computer science and programming course that will allow me to refresh my general CS knowledge and come up to speed on the aspects I need to come up to speed on as quickly as possible.

In order to get up to speed on web3 security as fast as possible I will be taking the advice of a great hacker in the space who comes from a similar background (mathlete) as me. His name is deadrosesxyz and in an interview with him here he talks about how before beginning to be one of the best web3 hackers, he had very little programming experience (this part is different than me. Full disclosure I have been programming/hacking for a good while). He did however do math competitions and learn JavaScript via a class he took in high school. He then just did a basic course in the Solidity programming language and dove into hack reports in the web3 space and began to audit code. This method has given him a meteoric rise in hacking on web3 assets and I say: ‘If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!’. There is also a plan to get my direct web3 skills up-to-snuff quickly and strengthen my general problem solving skills. I will combine a mini-ultralearning project of CS50X followed by Cyfrin Updraft with Secureum, and also begin my Mathematics refresher/education work with ALEKS and the Book Basic Mathematics by Serge Lang. I am also going to begin doing one section a day in The Art of Problem Solving Curriculum (found here) to really hone my mind’s problem solving and quantitative abilities to a high level of sharpness.

In the true ultralearning style, this will be very intense. Each day I will complete one CS50 week module, a minimum of 5 topics in ALEKS (though I will shoot for 10), one section in Basic Mathematics, and if time one section in the Art of Problem Solving books. I am not sure if there will be room for Art of Problem Solving yet. I really need to get started before I can see that, but if there is not, that is ok. I will just begin it once ALEKS and Basic Mathematics is complete. I will use it as problem solving technique development alongside the OSSU curriculum. It’s not really a big deal one way or another at this point and the major concentrations for the first several weeks are CS50 and ALEKS with the Lang book following as a close second. Once CS50 is done I plan to go through Cyfrin Updraft with the same intensity, completing all associated resources and if anything is not covered there but is in Secureum, I will do those as well. From there I will again apply the same level of intensity by spending most of the day (5AM – 5PM) shadow auditing reports on Solodit utilizing DefiHackLabs.

That Solodit + DefiHackLabs will be the main skill development loop for a week or two and from there it will be thus: compete/complete as many competitive audits as are available and utilize Solodit past reports with remaining available time. Post-5PM is for the ‘Project’ and it will go one subject at a time and within each subject, one course at a time. This will also be the time I insert the 30 – 60 minutes work on RadioRunner. But, I will apply the same level of intensity. I know there is something valuable in there. There is just no way that there is not. And I will find it. So with that said let’s discuss terms.

Regulations and Definitions

I will consider any course taken complete only when all required material is consumed and all assignments and projects are complete and (where applicable) submitted. I plan to move through this whole thing like so:

  • CS50X: 1 Week Module Daily + ALEKS: Calculus Preparation with Limits: 5 – 10 Topics Daily | Secondary: Basic Mathematics: 1 Section Daily + The Art of Problem Solving (If Time ONLY): 1 Section Daily (may need to get these two done post-CS50) + 30 minutes in RadioRunner when able
  • Cyfrin Updraft (75ish Hours): 10 – 12 Hours Daily then remaining incomplete resources found in the Secureum Bootcamp: 12 Hours daily + 5PM Daily begin OSSU Curriculum with 30 – 60 minutes in RadioRunner
  • Solodit Reports + DefiHackLabs Shadow Audits + OSSU Mathematics Curriculum to completion + 30 – 60 minutes on RadioRunner
  • Competitive Audits + Work toward Immunefi Leaderboard + MIT Computer Science Curriculum once OSSU Math Curriculum is finished + 30 – 60 minutes in RadioRunner
  • Iterate on: Competitive Audits Bug Hunting (then Solodit Shadow Audits with any extra time) + Susan Rigetti Reading List once MIT CS Curriculum is finished. + 30 – 60 minutes in RadioRunner
  • Only once Immunefi Leaderboard is achieved: Develop indie video game studio and game stable + Quantitative Analytics & Trading Curriculum + Finish RadioRunner during this step
  • Continue building out video game and education content company + Develop a quantitative trading platform.

The above is no 1-2 year commitment. I expect it to take a minimum of 5 years of near constant work and application of the ultralearning principles to even come close to achieving this. It very well may be even more. But, that’s no problem. Research, hacking and building cool shit (and 40K!!) are the things in life outside my family which are my favorite and until recently I was precluded from being able to pursue all of this. And, as I said before, I can see something valuable in the depths of this. I see it in fact as the most valuable pursuit I could take in life. I am not completely sure yet why or what that even really means. I just know it to be true. So from here on:

This Page as a Living Document

Here I will create a list of the entire pursuit from top-to-bottom. Until a line is complete it will remain just a listing. Once, complete it will link to a page with a video summary posted along with all evidence of the completion of the course, book, or project. Pretty simple. That all being said this page will essentially being a living document where I update what gets completed here (and as links tend to rot over time, I will update resource links above as they change). And, here we go!

Proof of Concept Mini-Ultra Project

  • Cyfrin Updraft/Smart Contract Programmer: 10-12 Hours Daily (Get it done ASAP to enable web3 security research as quickly as possible)
  • CS50X: Harvard’s Introduction to Computer Science & Programming: 1 Week Module Daily
  • ALEKS: Preparation for Calculus with Limits with Basic Mathematics (Serge Lang): 5-10 Topics Daily + 1 Section
  • Begin The Art of Problem Solving: 1 Section Daily
  • Secureum: Remaining resources not completed during Cyfrin Updraft
  • Solodit + DefiHackLabs Shadow Audits + Competitive Audits
  • During this period begin 30 – 60 minutes daily working in the RadioRunner Self-Taught Artist’s Curriculum. Continue into below projects.

Ultralearning Project (Begin only once payout is earned from web3 hacking)

  • OSSU Mathematics Curriculum
    • Introduction to Mathematical Thinking
    • 18.01.1X – Calculus 1A – Differentiation
    • 18.01.2X – Calculus 2A – Integration
    • 18.01.3X – Calculus 3A – Coordinate Systems & Infinite Series
    • 18.02SC – Multivariable Calculus
    • 18.03SC – Differential Equations
    • 6.042J – Mathematics for Computer Science
    • Essence of Linear Algebra
    • 18.06SC – Linear Algebra
    • 18.05 – Introduction to Probability & Statistics
    • 6.041SC – Probabilistic Systems Analysis & Applied Probability
    • 18.650 – Statistics for Applications
    • 18.100A – Real Analysis
    • Introduction to Analysis Supplemental Lecture Videos
    • Introduction to Abstract Group Theory (NPTEL)
    • Introduction to Rings & Fields (NPTEL)
    • Introduction to Formal Logic (University of Calgary)
    • Topology Without Tears (Sidney Morris)
    • Euclidean Plane & Its Relatives (Anton Petrunin)
    • Geometry with an Introduction to Cosmic Topology (W.P. Hitchman)
    • 18.950 – Differential Geometry
    • Applied Combinatorics (Sedgewick)
    • Game Theory I & II (Coursera)
    • 18.330 – Introduction to Numerical Analysis
    • 18.04 – Complex Variables with Applications
    • Convex Optimization Theory (Stanford – eDx)
    • Applied Cryptography (Schneier) + Cryptohack (website)
    • Khan Academy Economics/Finance | Financial Markets (Yale)
  • MIT Electrical Engineering & Computer Science 6-3 Requirements
    • 6.0001 – Introduction to Computer Science & Programming Using Python
    • 6.0002 – Introduction to Computational Thinking & Data Science
    • 6.1903 – Introduction to Low-Level Programming in C & Assembly (NPTEL Substitute)
    • 6.1010 – Fundamentals of Programming (CS61A Substitute)
    • 6.1210 – Introduction to Algorithms
    • 6.1910 – Computation Structures
    • 6.1020 – Software Construction
    • 6.1220 – Design & Analysis of Algorithms
    • 6.1800 – Computer Systems Engineering
    • University of Helsinki Cybersecurity Base +
    • 6.5831 – Database Systems
    • 6.034 – Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (CS188 substitute)
    • 6.3900 – Introduction to Machine Learning (+ Andrew Ng course)
    • 6.S191 – Introduction to Deep Learning (+ Andrew Ng course)
    • 6.5840 – Distributed Systems Engineering
    • 6.172 – Software Performance Engineering
    • 6.1100 – Computer Language Engineering
    • 6.4400 – Computer Graphics
    • 18.404J – Theory of Computation
  • Susan Rigetti’s Physics Reading List
    • University Physics with Modern Physics “Mechanics” chapters (roughly 1 – 14)
    • University Physics with Modern Physics “Electromagnetism” chapters (roughly 21 – 32)
    • Vibrations & Waves (French)
    • Vibrations & Waves (King)
    • Advanced Engineering Mathematics (Zill) – I plan to just complete this as its own subject though it is recommended to work alongside the other subjects
    • University Physics with Modern Physics “Thermodynamics” chapters (roughly 17 – 20) and “Modern Physics” chapters (roughly 37 – 44)
    • Classical Mechanics (Taylor)
    • Introduction to Classical Mechanics with Problem and Solutions (Morin)
    • Problems and Solutions in Introductory Mechanics (Morin)
    • Introduction to Electrodynamics (Griffith)
    • Div, Grad, Curl, and All That (Schey)
    • A Student’s Guide to Maxwell’s Equations (Fleisch)
    • Introduction to Quantum Mechanics (Griffith)
    • An Introduction to Thermal Physics (Schroeder)
    • Introductory Statistical Mechanics (Bowley, Sanchez)
    • The Cosmic Perspective (Bennett, Donahue, Schneider, Voit)
    • An Introduction to Modern Astrophysics (Ostlie, Carroll)
    • Biophysics: An Introduction (Glaser)
    • Introduction to Cosmology (Ryden)
    • Basic Electronics for Scientists and Engineers (Eggleston)
    • Optics (Hecht)
    • Introduction to Elementary Particles (Griffith)
    • A First Course in String Theory (Zweibach)
    • Mathematical Methods for Physicists (Arfken, Weber, Harris)
    • Fourier Series (Tolstov)
    • Complex Variables (Fisher)
    • Group Theory in a Nutshell for Physicists (Zee)
    • Classical Electrodynamics (Jackson)
    • Modern Quantum Mechanics (Sakurai)
    • Quantum Mechanics & Path Integrals (Feynman)
    • The Principles of Quantum Mechanics (Dirac)
    • Principles of Quantum Mechanics (Shankar)
    • Decoherence and the Appearance of a Classical World in Quantum Theory (Joos, Zeh, Kiefer, Giulini, Kupsch, Stamatescu)
    • The Everett Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics: Collected Works 1955 – 1980 (Barrett, Byrne)
    • Statistical Mechanics (Pathria, Beale)
    • Statistical Mechanics (Huang)
    • Spacetime and Geometry (Carroll)
    • Einstein Gravity in a Nutshell (Zee)
    • General Relativity (Wald)
    • Gravitation (Misner, Thorne, Wheeler)
    • Gravitation and Cosmology (Weinberg)
    • Differential Geometry of Curves & Surfaces (do Carmo)
    • Quantum Field Theory in a Nutshell (Zee)
    • An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory (Peskin, Schroeder)
    • The Quantum Theory of Fields, Volume 1 (Weinberg)
    • Lie Algebras in Particle Physics (Georgi)
    • Principles of Condensed Matter Physics (Lubensky)
    • TASI Lectures: Introduction to Cosmology (Trodden, Carroll)
    • Cosmology (Weinberg)
    • The Art of Electronics (Horowitz, Hill)
    • Quarks and Leptons (Halzin, Martin)
    • Modern Particle Physics (Thomson)
    • Quantum Computation and Quantum Information Nielsen, Chuang)
    • Solid-State Physics (Ashcroft, Mermin)
    • Introduction to Solid-State Physics (Kittel)
    • String Theory, Volume 1: An Introduction to the Bosonic String (Polchinski)
    • String Theory, Volume 2: Superstring Theory and Beyond (Polchinski)
    • String Theory and M-Theory: A Modern Introduction (Becker, Schwarz)
  • QuantStart Quantitative Analytics + Quantitative Trading Resource List
    • Options, Futures, and Derivatives (Hull)
    • The Concepts and Practice of Mathematical Finance (Joshi)
    • Financial Calculus: An Introduction to Derivative Pricing (Baxter, Rennie)
    • Stochastic Calculus for Finance I: The Binomial Asset Pricing Model (Shreve)
    • Stochastic Calculus for Finance II: Continuous-Time Models (Shreve)
    • More Mathematical Finance (Joshi)
    • Brownian Motion and Stochastic Calculus (Karatzas, Shreve)
    • Stochastic Differential Equations (Oksendal)
    • Interest Rate Models – Theory and Practice (Brigo)
    • Term-Structure Models (Filipovic)
    • Credit Risk Pricing Models (Schmid)
    • Modelling, Pricing, and Hedging Counterparty Credit Exposure (Cesari, Aquilina, Chapillon, Filipovic, Lee, Manda)
    • Accelerated C++ (Koenig)
    • Effective C++ Series (Meyers)
    • C++ for Quantitative Finance (Halls-Moore)
    • Numerical Linear Algebra (Trefethen)
    • Numerical Recipes: The Art of Scientific Computing (Press, Teukolsky, Vetterling, Flannery)
    • C++ Design Patterns and Derivatives Pricing (Joshi)
    • Monte Carlo Methods in Financial Engineering (Glasserman)
  • Game Development + RadioRunner + Lospec/2DWillNeverDie + Udemy
    • MDN 2D Game Development Tutorials
    • PhaseJS Documentation and Project
    • RadioRunner Self-Taught Artist Curriculum
    • Lospec Pixel Art Tutorials + 2DWillNeverDie Tutorials
    • Piano For All (Udemy)
    • Video Game Music Production (Udemy)
    • Game Audio Production (Udemy)

Note that with the above resources there are quite a few projects to get through which are not listed alongside them before their evidence page is created, posted and linked here. They will be prominently linked and displayed next to (or maybe underneath) their line as well as in the associated portfolio page which will appear on this site once the first project is complete.

In Conclusioning

That’s a big damn list. Maybe, too big. But whatever. I have missed the first 20 years of my career, starting my own companies, developing cool video games or products. This is what I have to work with. Learning new, challenging things to great depth is what drives me. It is what makes the idea of becoming a Security Researcher as my main income source (for now HA!) so appealing. There is a great deal of value and responsibility within the locked vaults of all the above knowledge. What will someone who completes – I mean really digs in and completes – all of the above be capable of? What lies at the bottom the the rabbit hole that is uniquely the intersection of all these things listed? I have to know. Finding this out is the most important thing to me outside of my wife and my two kids.

So a bit of house cleaning and wrapping up now. This, as mentioned, will be a living document and I will update each part I make it through as I make it through it. I will also be posting and updating on my X account (the only true social media account I plan to ever have and use. I also consider YouTube and Discord sort-of social media and will use them, but they will be subordinate to the work done on this site and X account) on a daily basis. So, if a course or book proves to be a slog and this site goes a while without update, check there. I am sure I will still be active there.

Finally I want to address the ole green monster. The monetary aspect of all of this. I cannot say all content of this site will be free forever. I do hope and plan to keep much of it free. You will always be able to read this article and all evidence pages linked to it and I can say that I am not going to enable things like ads or affiliate links on here until (and if) it becomes necessary to do so to cover hosting and upkeep costs. That said, any courses I develop related to anything I study, books I write on the work I do or products I produce will probably be put up for sale on this site. I do however plan to make them as cheap as humanly possible (free when I am able) and would like to get the vast majority of my income from web3 security research and video games I develop. Trust that if a part of this site will ever be put behind a pay wall it will only be new material that is forthcoming. I will never retro-actively make something cost which was once free. That is a garbage way to do things. And, further, it will be an actual product you can use, like (as stated) a video game you can play or course you can take to gain a tangible/actionable skill. I won’t create say, a ‘Philosophy of Math’ course where I drone on about why Math is x or y and expect you to give me $200 for the privilege of listening to said dronings on. Lastly, I mentioned I will only go to ads/affiliate marketing to support site costs. This means that I will not be optimizing SEO on my site or any advertising crap like that. I despise modern marketing practice and this site will live or die by the content I make and products I deliver.

I believe that mostly covers everything. You have no idea how much I appreciate you taking the time to read this article and visit this site. Even if you only read a portion, thank you! My ultimate goal in going through this project is to acquire knowledge and skills that further enable me to make the world a sliver of a bit better than it is now. It should be that all humans pursue their various crafts and disciplines with this as the central motivator. Fair compensation is deserved and I fully support a free and unencumbered market where all might throw in their ideas and skill and be weighed, measured, and compensated justly by the marketplace. But, the motivation behind getting to that point should be to do good for one’s fellow human; to make one’s neighbor’s life better in some way – whether large or even very, very small. And with that, I leave you until next time. You can find what I am currently up to on X, here, and come back here periodically to check for updates on skill acquisition and the state of The Project’s completion. I am so very excited to see where this goes and again, thanks so much for taking the time!

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